Saturday, May 23, 2009


I have been meaning to redo my website for a looooong time. I don't mind doing stuff like that. It feeds the creative monster in me. So, after fighting between iWeb and GoDaddy, I finally got it up and running. iWeb lets you just put a blog right on in there. GoDaddy wants you to pay for blog hosting. So every time I tried to FTP the files over I kept getting error messages. And of course they don't tell you exactly what's wrong just a "one or more file(s) could not be uploaded". Great. Thanks for all the helpful information there! I was planning on replacing this blog with that one but looks like it 'twas not to be. Maybe now that I know this is attached to my website I'll be a lot better about keeping it updated. The whole reason I started this thing is because I'd like to have a record of this crazy journey I'm on. I think it would be awesome to sit down when I'm 80 and read this stuff. Although I'm sure by then they will have developed a way for us to extract memories from our brain and project them straight onto a screen for all to watch. Wouldn't THAT be cool!

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